Tuesday 17 May 2011

Woohoo! I have an account now...you won't be able to shut me up. Mwahahahaha. Viva Comenius!!

Tuesday 10 May 2011


Next Thursday 12 May, you can listen to a representation of the Spanish group talking on the radio about our Comenius Project `Thermal Springs in Europe´.

Mª José starts by introducing how the project began and who are the teachers involved in it.

Then Pedro Javier speaks about the first activity we did in relation with our topic: visit to Alhama Baths remainings and Archena Thermal Resort.

Nuria Pedreño goes on talking about our visit to Pesso da Régua.

Mayte follows up by explaining the implication of the subject she teaches, geology, in the project. She also talks about the work we have to do for our next meeting in Spain.

Marina adds up some details about our last visited to Graz and what this experience has meant for her.

Inma Olmos talks about the visit to Oporto and the significance of her stay in Portugal with students from so many European countries.

To end up with, Andrea shares her impressions about Austria with all of us.

When we finished, the presenter asked several questions to us, which we answered while our memories came back into our minds.

Saturday 7 May 2011


Yesterday, part of our Comenius group went to the local radio station in Torre Pacheco. There, we explained the most important aspects about our Comenius Project `Thermal Springs in Europe´.
Our students could describe all about our meetings with groups of students from another countries in the project. All of our students had the opportunity to tell what this meant for them.
Was it great to remember such amazing experiences!!!!!!!! ;)

If you feel like listening the radio program you may do it on Thursday. It´ll broadcast at 12:30 in www.radiotorrepacheco.es

Mayte Clavero

Friday 6 May 2011

Youth on the move

As part of a “Europe Day” party that we organised during the Austrian meeting between all of the Comenius partners from Austria, Greece, Spain, Sicily and Portugal, three Comenius and British Council Assistants spoke a few words about their own experience of a united Europe. Conor O’Grady from Ireland, Ed Brech from England and Damla Basat from Turkey are three friends living in Sicily who are proof of the success of a multicultural integration of European youths.

presentation of "Mazzei" school

Presentation of I.P.S.A.A. " A.M. Mazzei" in Giarre.
The front page is made with the poster our computer operator and me prepared.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


We did this poster for the first Comenius meeting in Peso da Régua, Portugal.